Celebrating the bird of Halloween, the Owl, with owl trivia:
Did you know that a group of owls is called a “parliament of owls?” Probably because they
seem so dignified most of the time (not that most parliaments, or congresses, are all that dignified, but we can hope).
There are over 150 species of owls in the world and some say there are over 200 (depends on how you classify them).
There are owls on every continent except Antarctica.
And owl’s eye is not a sphere. It’s more of a tube, which helps give them better depth perception. They al
so have binocular vision, like humans.
Some owls have “ear tufts” of feathers on their heads — but they aren’t ears. They may be used to communicate (to signal mood, for example). They also help with camouflage.
That flattened facial shape that owls have? It helps funnel sound to their ears.
Owls have three eyelids — one for blinking, one that closes for sleep, and another that cleans the eye.
Owl feet have two toes facing forward and two back (with some rotation). This is called having “zygodactyl” feet.
The largest recorded owl fossil, Orinmegalonyx oteroi, stood about three feet tall (so how big were mice back then?).
If you’re looking for something “owly,” check out our shop at Redbubble.com
At our Redbubble shop, you can find tees, purses and tote bags, all sorts of stuff to keep you flying.