Tag Archives: love beads
Love Bead Safe Harbor Project Is On!
That thing is a finger, I swear. There’s no good time to have your hand slammed in a trunk lid and broken, but there are definitely *worse* times. Like when you’re trying to create 500 Safe Harbor Love Bead Pins. … Continue reading
Love Beads and Broken Bones
This will have to be short. We were going to make an announcement this weekend regarding our Love Bead Safe Harbor Pin Project… then *wham!,* the storm met an open car trunk door, which met my hand… want the gory … Continue reading
The Love Bead Project
I never pictured myself becoming an activist, and certainly never thought of myself and the word “hippie” in the same sentence. When I was in kindergarten, protesters were the people on the news who shouted at everyone, and hippies were … Continue reading