
Radiate simply means to spread out from. Spokes radiate out from the hub. Light radiates from the bulb. But “radiation,” that word comes with extra baggage these days. It got me thinking about health, and all our various artificial radiations.

Take radio and TV transmissions. The signals from every radio and TV station in town are constantly bombarding us. If you have a device with the correct discriminator you can pick one out of the bunch and decode something to watch or listen to.

But what about all those waves of radiation bombarding us? They’re essentially the same as all the natural waves – solar radiation, the natural radiation from various radioactive elements, and so forth. We’re just adding additional layers of radio waves to the mix. TV stations? Check. Wi-fi? Add that one, too. Wireless remote controls? One more wave dropped into the soup.

When steeple jacks have to climb past an active transmission antenna, the engineers lower the power to a fraction of its normal output. If they don’t, the workers can get burned. Seriously. It can be just like climbing into a microwave oven.

All the various waves that constantly bombard us are coming at us at very low (usually) energy levels. That’s why you don’t generally notice them. But what if all the artificial emanations combined with all the natural emanations are just too much for our cellular structures to handle? What if those extra energies being added into our bodies are causing changes? Could it be that the increasing number of instances of cancers and other disorders are somehow influenced by these extra, unnatural energy waves? Just putting that out there. I haven’t done any research that would prove or disprove my hypothesis, but it seems reasonable that adding energy would result in – something.

Chalk it up to one more possibility for the law of unintended consequences.

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